Some People comes with Expiry Date’s

It is always hard, Leaving your comfortzone. Leaving those places which you created with lots of efforts and time. But, Thats the whole point, right? To grow. We can’t stand in a place and be with everyone.

We loose people. They loose us. We loose our bonds. We create new bonds. That’s all part n parcel’s of our lives.

So if everything is created by universe, then why do we Get hurt?

We get hurt because of low acceptance. Its very important to accept the change. As it is said change is inevitable. If we start accepting and less sacrificing it will all be alright. We should accept the fact that whoever is in our life has to go someday. You can’t force people to stay or you can’t make them stay forcefully. So, if they stay forever they are your keepers and if they get expired they ain’t worthy.

So if they bring you happiness, Be happy. But if they brings you headache, trust me leaveee ASAP.

I think people comes with an expiry date. Everyone has a purpose to serve in everyothers life. Its just sometimes you are the purpose to make there messy life beautiful by creating happiness and by holding their hand and taking them out of the chaos. Sometimes they serve the purpose where they do the same. And if that’s unintentionally then its a cherry on the cake. Also once the purpose is comepleted they leave in silence. And you left with no choice rather than to accept that the person is gone.

So instead of running from the situations and your emotions and instead of ignoring the flags learn to accept the flags so that it becomes easy to accept that the person you are happily and madly in love with, will leave someday. And hence you have to accept so that it becomes less hurtful.

Its mandatory to keep your heart guarded, cause you never know what intentions of the other person are. So don’t hurt other’s and don’t even get hurted by others…


Why do we always ignore the signs which are right in front of us waiting for us to be seen?

What is our life?

Its a loop which keeps on repeating some patterns rather than the same patterns. It is very important that we analyse all the patterns of our lives just to make everything easy. The thing is we keep chasing things that we forget to chase ourselves in the journey. We forget to look deep within us but we tend to analyse other peoples lives and fix them. I am not saying fixing others is wrong but fixing ourselves is also important. Its very important to analyse our traumas and find solutions rather than just running out of it and seeking validations from others. While we seek love in others we ignore loving ourselves. I know all these years we have been taught to love others and not how to love ourselves, but its never too late to do right things. When we are in deep love we get to know what things we want from life and from our beloved partner as well. When we are happy and loved inside we attract good things. It is rightly said that our thoughts make things happens. When we make positive affirmations and manifestations the universe tries hard for us to make things happen. We live in such a imaginary world that we tend to get confused between what real world is and what reel world is. And in the process we loose ourselves. Why do we need other peoples reassurance? Seeking always leads to hurt.

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It is slipping, All over my hands💭♥️

It is slipping,
All over my hands.
The things I frightened,
Just came back.
In this phase,
Am I loosing myself?
The shattered pieces,
All over again.
I feared,I feared,
Ifeared, I feared.
But this aint stop!!!
Cause its all slipping,
All over my hands…

Home – Baked Treats Just For Your Pets.

Hey pet momies out there, how you doing this quarantine?

Does your dog love treats?

But aren’t available due to this lockdown.

Don’t worry, I have got your back.

Today I’ll be sharing one easy to go receipe.

Yes, you heard it right. It is Dogi-Licious and very healthy receipe and I am sure your dog will love his treat.

So Lets get started.

Ingredients you will need:

1. Wheat flour (2 cups approax)

2. All purpose flour (half a cup)

3. One banana

4. One carrot

What Next?

Step 1:

Grate one carrot and mash the whole banana, and mix both together.

Step 2:

Later on, Add the dry ingredients into it which are Wheat flour and All purpose flour.


You may add peanut butter and any of your doggo’s fav ingredients into this mixture.

Step 3:

My all time favourite,

Mix mix mix

Step 4:

Make a dough which is a bit stiff so that it will be easy to roll it out with a rolling pin.

Step 5:

Keep your favourite cookie cutter’s with you cause we are going to cut out shapes with those cookie cutter’s.

Step 6:

Bake into the oven for about 25 to 30 min. Depends upon how hard you want your treats to be.

And yeah, finally there you are ready with your doggo’s favourite home made treats.

It was not that hard, right?

Do let me know in the comments for more receipes like this, rather to say more simple receipes.

And also let me know how much your doggo loved this home made cookies.

You can also share your doggo’s picture with me on my insta handle


And I will repost those pictures for sure.

LAST NOTE:Even you can munch into this cookies and enjoy eating with your doggo this quarantine.



What’s that on your head?

I always wanted to ask,

Ask myself!!!

What’s that on your head?

What’s that on ur head?

Tons of burden,

U carry with disgrace.

Tons of questions,

But answers no where.

A piece of advice,

I always wanted to give.

But you were full,

Got no one else besides.

The questions , the questions,

The questions, everywhere.

But solutions to those,

We preety no where.

I lived ur life,

Through in and throughout.

But never I waited,

I Waited so long.

It was about me,

Was always about me.

But I was so busy,

Always asking myself.

What’s that on your head?

What’s that on your head?


What is corona? A virus which is destroying many lives? Yeah maybe u can say that. But everything has its own pros and cons. Same way corona i.e. COVID-19 also has its own pros and cons. Talking about  Pros, then the best thing ever happened is that our mother earth is getting healed, is getting better day by day. The pollution which took many lives of people, that pollution is getting destroyed. Isn’t that amazing? The roads which were never clear are empty nowadays. The trains which were so crowded has no human rush nowadays, there are no vehicles on road and no bad smoke outside.
 People are not caring about their luxuries but are caring for their loved ones now. People are not crying to go to malls, not crying to watch movies, but are caring about their food and about their important amenities. The global warming is decreasing slowly and our mother Earth is getting healed. The things which were impossible, Corona made this possible.
 People who worked hard all of their years, who never got time for their family, for their kids, now they have time for their family. Isn’t that amazing? Why always we see things as a problem? Why can’t we try to take things positively? Why can’t we increase each other’s confidence, instead of getting scared and panic?

I know this thing is pandemic. And I also know we are going to hit that 3rd stage, but we can’t help our country by getting panic or by getting scared, right? We have to fight it with our positive behavior.
In this article I am not going to share about how many people died due to corona? Or who thought of creating the virus or what was the intention behind this, NO. Instead we all should take the oath that I’m going to stay positive this quarantine. And I will share and spread only positiveness around. So that people will share happiness and smiles and can fight this corona in positive way. So many people are already suffering from trauma of COVID-19. But have you gave it a thought? About the ones who are struggling on roads, securing our lives, the doctors and the policeman’s who are working all night without even thinking of themselves. And what are they expecting in return? To keep social distancing? To stay at our homes? To be safe? Instead of doing these things what are we doing? Breaking the chain of social distancing? Breaking all the possible laws and curfews? Shame on us, right?

So this quarantine we will take care of our loved ones by not hugging, by not shaking hands, but by doing video calls and asking them to take good care. We will share good thought, we will try to focus on our future. Those who ever wanted to start something has ample of time now. Go make a checklist, do research and development on your goals, start fresh, invest all your free time into something productive. Attend as many free seminars and workshops u can. Gain knowledge from wherever you can. Talk to your parents, brush-up your hobbies and passion you were dying for. Face-time your loved once and show some love. Keep one thing in mind, don’t waste this time because this is the only opportunity and if you waste it by any chance, then this time is never going to return. And last but not the least,